Journal directory listing - Volume 68 (2023) - Journal of NTNU【68(2)】September

Confucian Temple-School and Education: A Study of the Intellectual History of the Shrines to Local Worthies in the Ming Dynasty Author: Li-yueh Lin (Department of History, National Taiwan Normal University, Professor Emeritus)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 68, No. 2
Date:September 2023

This study analyzes the discourse surrounding Shrines to Local Worthies during the Ming dynasty. It explores topics such as nationality restrictions and the XiangXian referral system. Through this discussion, we aim to understand how Confucian Temple-Schools were promoted during the Ming dynasty and gain a deeper understanding of the role they played in local society. First, we analyze how Confucian Temple-Schools gained public authority through the recommendation of XiangXian GongJu, rather than relying on strict state control. Second, we explore how the students and teachers of these schools contributed to local gazetteers and collected biographies of notable individuals under the guidance of superintendent regulation. Finally, we investigate how these Shrines to Local Worthies served as sacred spaces that not only expanded the influence of Confucian ideology but also fostered stronger connections with local communities in Ming China.

Keywords:public authority, local society, Ming dynasty, Shrines to Local Worthies, Confucian Temple-School

《Full Text》 檔名

  1. 東晉‧劉昫等奉敕撰,《舊唐書》,臺北市:藝文印書館,1956。
  2. 元‧脫因修,俞希魯纂,《至順鎮江志》,收入《中國方志叢書》,華中地方171號,臺北市:成文出版社,1975。
  3. 北宋‧歐陽修等奉敕撰,《新唐書》,臺北市:藝文印書館,1956。
  4. 南宋‧朱熹撰,郭齊、尹波點校,《朱熹集》,成都市:四川教育出版社,1996。
  5. 明‧尹昌隆,《尹訥菴先生遺稿》,收入沈乃文主編,《明別集叢刊》,第1輯,第29冊,合肥市:黃山書社,2013。
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APA FormatLin, L. (2023). ​Confucian Temple-School and education: A study of the intellectual history of the Shrines to Local Worthies in the Ming dynasty. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University, 68(2), 1-32.
Chicago FormatLin, Li-yueh. “​Confucian Temple-School and Education: A Study of the Intellectual History of the Shrines to Local Worthies in the Ming Dynasty.” Journal of National Taiwan Normal University 68, no. 2 (2023): 1-32.