Journal directory listing - Volume 68 (2023) - Journal of NTNU【68(2)】September

Shaping of Ci Collections and Poet’s Purpose: The Three Qiangcun Ci Collections Author: Shih-Han Tseng (Department of Chinese Literature, National Chengchi University, Doctoral Student)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 68, No. 2
Date:September 2023

Three principle collections exist of the ci poetry of Zhu Zumou, a great poet of the late Qing dynasty: Qiangcun Ci (containing the Miscellaneous Collection, First Collection, and Main Collection), Qiangcun Yuefu, and Qiangcun Yu Ye. The timeline of their production extends from the completion of Qiangcun Ci to the start of following century, lasting more than 20 years. Different factors influenced the shaping of each Qiangcun Ci collection. The names, formats, backgrounds, and contents of each collection vary. This article explores the three collections in depth and provides the following observations: First, the concept and scope of Qiangcun Ci are the basis for its three subcollections. The Main Collection presents the author’s self-evaluation of his best Qiangcun Ci works. Second, the value and importance of Qiangcun Yuefu should be re-evaluated. Qiangcun Yuefu is the foundation of Qiangcun Yu Ye. Qiangcun Yu Ye both added to Qiangcun Yuefu and removed material, suggesting that the central Ci in Qiangcun Yu Ye were selected after the completion of Qiangcun Yuefu. With its few poems, Qiangcun Yuefu exhibits the style of a changdiao poet, intending to follow and pass down the four great poets of the late Qing dynasty Wang Pengyun’s ci theory (wu yin). This feature was inherited by and developed in Qiangcun Yu Ye. Last, the most cited collection, Qiangcun Yu Ye, not only contains the essence of the earlier two collections but also is the manifestation of Zhu Zumou’s mentality and spiritual thought in his later life. The central ideas of the three Qiangcun Ci collections were influenced by Wang Pengyun. In some manners, the collections echo Wang Pengyun’s poetic ideals and demonstrate the special mentorship and friendship between the two poets.

Keywords:Wang Pengyun, Qiangcun Ci, Qiangcun Yu Ye, Qiangcun Yuefu, Wu Yin Collection

《Full Text》 檔名

  1. 漢‧劉向集,漢‧王逸章句,宋‧洪興祖補注,《楚辭補注》,臺北市:藝文印書館,2011。
  2. 晉‧陳壽,南朝宋‧裴松之注,盧弼集解,錢劍夫整理,《三國志集解》,第4冊,上海市:上海古籍出版社,2009。
  3. 晉‧陶潛,宋‧湯漢注,《陶靖節先生詩》,收入《百部叢書集成》,第40冊,臺北市:藝文印書館,1976,據景印《拜經樓叢書》本。
  4. 唐‧杜甫,清‧楊倫箋注,《杜詩箋注》,上海市:上海古籍出版社,1998。
  5. 唐‧魏徵,《經籍志四》,收入《隋書》,第4冊,北京市:中華書局,2019。
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APA FormatTseng, S.-H. (2023). Shaping of ci collections and poet’s purpose: The three Qiangcun Ci collections. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University, 68(2), 91-124.
Chicago FormatTseng, Shih-Han. “Shaping of Ci Collections and Poet’s Purpose: The Three Qiangcun Ci Collections.” Journal of National Taiwan Normal University 68, no. 2 (2023): 91-124.