Journal directory listing - Volume 31-41 (1986-1996) - Volume 41 (1996)

The Educational Function of Saturday Art Class Program at the University of Illinois Author: Chiung-hua Chen(Department of Fine Art Department, National Taiwan Normal University)


The Saturday Art Class Program, established in 1962, is sponsored by School of Art and Design, College of Fine and Applied Arts, University of Illinois. The program of Saturday Art Class is designed to help the students of School of Art and Design to become a confident and effective teacher. Through the practice in teaching art, stu-dents will work to develop and master skills necessary to become an art educator.
According to the evaluation of this program which was conducted by author in the Spring of 1995, this article aims to : 1. introduce the administration and operation of the program, 2. investigate the educational function of the program, 3. discuss the weaknesses of the program, 4. make recommendation to develop a holiday art class in the University which provides art education credits.

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