期刊目錄列表 - 31~41期(1986-1996) - 第四十一期 (1996)

阿美語的連動結構 作者:吳靜蘭(國立臺灣師範大學英語學系)


本文從語意關係與語法表徵相互影響的觀點,探究阿美語的連動結構。阿美語是臺灣南島語的一支,使用者主要分佈於花蓮縣至臺東縣一帶,並包含屏東縣的一小塊 區域。本文的語料採自阿美與的中部方言。文中闡述,在包含不同種類動詞的連動結構中,由動詞所表示的事件/狀態之間,在語意關係上具有緊密到鬆散的連續性質,此種語意緊密-鬆散之關係亦可見於在語法結構上。文末並以一緊密-鬆散之連續圖來呈現此種語意與語法間的相互對應。



Journal directory listing - Volume 31-41 (1986-1996) - Volume 41 (1996)

Serial Verb Construction in Amis Author: Joy J. Wu(Department of English, National Taiwan Normal University)


This study examines the serial verb construction in Amis, a Formosan language, in terms of the interface between semantic relationship and syntactic manifestations. In this study, we demonstrate that, in the serial verb construction with different types of verbs, various degrees of tightness existing between events and participants are reflected syntactically. Such correspondence is displayed in a semantic/syntactic tight/loose con-tinuum postulated at the end of this paper.

Keywords:Amis, serial verb construction, syntax, semantics