期刊目錄列表 - 57卷(2012) - 【師大學報:語言與文學類】57(1) 三月刊

中國筆記小說所記載之「避煞」習俗及「煞神」形象探討 作者:盧秀滿(文藻外語學院應用華語文系助理教授)






《詳全文》 檔名

APA FormatLu, H.-M. (2012). The Custom of Avoiding Evil Spirits and the Image of Evil in Chinese Tales. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Linguistics & Literature, 57(1), 23-54. doi:10.3966/207451922012035701002

Journal directory listing - Volume 57 (2012) - Journal of NTNU: Linguistics & Literature【57(1)】March

The Custom of Avoiding Evil Spirits and the Image of Evil in Chinese Tales Author: Hsiu-Man Lu(Department of Applied Chinese, Wenzao College of Language)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 57, No. 1
Date:March 2012


Avoiding evil spirits influences Han Chinese burial custom. To explore this aspect of Chinese burial customs, this study examines customs for avoiding evil spirits and the image of evil in Chinese tales.

First, we found that this customs were developed during the Three Kingdoms period, and because of the resulting traditions and influence, were continued until the Qing Dynasty. Secondly, we explored real practices of the custom of avoiding evil spirit by collecting related stories that included the concepts of time, shamans, and evil spirits. The reason for avoiding evil spirits was integrated in novels written during each dynasty. We infer that these customs integrate the original Yin and Yang concept with Buddhism by combining the “Buhui” ceremony and reincarnation. Finally, we examined the changing the changing representations of evil through the various dynasties, including as corpses, birds, monkeys, spirits, or other indefinite images.

Keywords:customs, Chinese tales, the image of evil, avoiding evil spirit