期刊目錄列表 - 65卷(2020) - 【師大學報】65(1)三月刊(本期專題:鬼的想像與文化演繹)

早期「魄」的形神涵義及消亡 作者:高瑞傑(上海師範大學哲學系博士後研究員)





《詳全文》 檔名

  1. 東漢‧班固,《漢書》(北京市,中華書局,1982)。
  2. 東漢‧許慎,《說文解字》(北京市:中華書局,1963)。
  3. 東漢‧許慎撰,清‧段玉裁注,《說文解字注》(上海市:上海古籍出版社,1988)。
  4. 東漢‧鄭玄注,唐‧孔穎達疏,清‧阮元校刻,《禮記正義》,收入《十三經注疏》(北京市:中華書局,2009)。
  5. 東漢‧鄭玄注,賈公彥疏,清‧阮元校刻,《儀禮注疏》,收入《十三經注疏》(北京市:中華書局,2009)。
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APA Format
Gao, R.-J. (2020). The Implication and Perishing of the Primitive Form and Spirit of "Po". Journal of National Taiwan Normal University, 65(1), 1-19, https://doi.org/10.6210JNTNU.202003_65(1).0001
Chicago FormatGao, Rui-Jie. “The Implication and Perishing of the Primitive Form and Spirit of "Po".” Journal of National Taiwan Normal University 65, no. 1 (2020): 1-19. https://doi.org/10.6210/JNTNU.202003_65(1).0001

Journal directory listing - Volume 65 (2020) - Journal of NTNU【65(1)】March (Special Issue: Imagination and Culture Translation of Ghost)

The Implication and Perishing of the Primitive Form and Spirit of "Po" Author: Rui-Jie Gao(Institute of Philosophy, Shanghai Normal University, Postdoctoral Researcher)

Vol.&No.:Vol.65 , No.1
Date:March 2020


Frequently associated with "hun" (spiritual soul), "po" (bodily soul) are mostly used to refer to ghosts and thus overlooked by people. The Chinese character po was in fact derived from the moon phase, and the fact that this character refers to the shadowy part of the moon, laid the foundation for later development of the "hun-po" concept.? The Han Dynasty instilled ethical and moral meanings in "po" to constitute a collective subconsciousness in the wait for the Buddhist reincarnation, which accelerated the incorporation of Buddhism into Chinese ideology. However, this transformation of meaning also gradually stripped away the primitive form–matter implication of "po". The form–spirit dispute triggered by the introduction of Buddhism into China gradually led to the withdrawal of "po" from the form–spirit relationship discourse. Examining the evolution of primitive Chinese vocabularies comprising the character "po" assists researchers in determining the inner logic as to how Buddhism was introduced into China in such a short amount of time.

Keywords:form and spirit, ghost, yin and yang, spiritual and bodily soul (hun-po), reincarnation