期刊目錄列表 - 69卷(2024) - 【師大學報】69(1)三月刊(本期專題:民主與人權:多維的探索)

道德立法論與傷害原則之爭議──重新審視德夫林與赫特的辯論 作者:關啟文(香港浸會大學宗教及哲學系教授)


一場知名的辯論發生於1960年代的英國,德夫林(Patrick Devlin)法官支持道德立法論並反對傷害原則,但法律學者赫特(H. L. A. Hart)則堅決支持某種版本的傷害原則並反對道德立法論。這場辯論還在持續中,而且近年不少法律哲學家(如梅菲(Jeffrie Murphy))對傷害原則提出不少質疑。本研究將重新審視這場辯論,透過重新發掘德夫林較受忽略的論點和一些當代的哲學討論,本研究論證在道德立法論與傷害原則的辯論中,稍微占上風的應該是道德立法論。


《詳全文》 檔名

  1. 羅秉祥,《自由社會的道德底線》,香港:基道出版社,1997。
  2. Alexander, Larry. “Plastic Trees and Gladiators: Liberalism and Aesthetic Regulation.” Legal Theory 16, no. 2 (2010): 77-90. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1352325210000133.
  3. Arneson, Richard J. “The Enforcement of Morals Revisited.” Criminal Law and Philosophy 7 (2013): 435-454. https://doi.org/10.1017/S11572-013-0240-y.
  4. Bassham, Gregory. “Legislating Morality: Scoring the Hart-Devlin Debate after Fifty Years.” An International Journal of Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law 25, no. 2 (2012): 117-132. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9337.2012.00506.x.
  5. Brink, David O. “Retributivism and Legal Moralism.” Ratio Juris 25, no. 4 (2012): 496-512. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9337.2012.00524.x.
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APA FormatKwan, K. (2024). Exploring the Controversy between Legal Moralism and Harm Principle: Rethinking the Hart-Devlin Debat. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University, 69(1), 1-24. https://doi.org/10.6210/JNTNU.202403_69(1).0001
Chicago FormatKwan, Kai-Man. “Exploring the Controversy between Legal Moralism and Harm Principle: Rethinking the Hart-Devlin Debate.” Journal of National Taiwan Normal University 69, no. 1 (2024): 1-24. https://doi.org/10.6210/JNTNU.202403_69(1).0001.

Journal directory listing - Volume 69 (2024) - Journal of NTNU【69(1)】March

Exploring the Controversy Between Legal Moralism and Harm Principle: Rethinking the Hart–Devlin Debate Author: Kai-Man Kwan(Department of Religion & Philosophy Hong Kong Baptist University Professor)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 69, No. 1
Date:March 2024

In the 1960s, Patrick Devlin and H. L. A. Hart famously debated the legal enforcement of morality (legal moralism), marking the start of subsequent debates between advocates of the harm principle and defenders of legal moralism. In the previous two decades, numerous scholars have revisited the Hart-Devlin debate, and some liberals, such as Jeffrie Murphy, have even come to doubt the harm principle. On the basis of the neglected arguments of Devlin and the work of contemporary philosophers, I argue that the application of some form of legal moralism provides slight advantages over the application of the harm principle.

Keywords:harm principle, legal moralism, H. L. A. Hart, Patrick Devlin