期刊目錄列表 - 1~10期(1956-1965) - 第八期 (1963)

金狗毛蕨在臺灣植物地理及生態學之研究 作者:胡敬華


1.        金狗毛蕨(Cibolium Baromelz(L.)J.Sm.)是一種藥用植物,在我國有悠久之歷史。

2.       臺灣金狗毛蕨屬植物有兩種及一變種,此兩種及一變種蕨是金狗毛蕨(C. Baromeiz)及變種金狗毛蕨(C. Baromeiz var. Cumingii)和阿薩密金狗毛蕨(C. assamicum),變種之金狗毛蕨其蕨葉背面只有孢囊堆一對,但金狗毛蕨達-10對之多,其中以金狗毛蕨為常見。

3.        金狗毛蕨分佈於全臺灣,自北至南,海拔自100公尺至1,000公尺均有分佈。

4.       根據植物地理之分佈,金狗毛蕨屬植物可分為兩個分佈上之類型,一個是亞洲型,另一個是夏威夷型。臺灣金狗毛蕨屬於亞洲型。

5.       金狗毛蕨常與其他蕨類植物構成植物群落,在臺灣中部蓮花池附近有由金狗毛蕨所構成之純林。

6.        著者發現金狗毛蕨(Cibotium Baromelz)和狗脊(Woodardia radicans)常生長在一起,此兩種蕨類植物外型剖相似。

7.        著者指出金狗毛蕨在臺灣生長之環境,並分析其廣泛分佈全島之原因。


Journal directory listing - Volume 1-10 (1956-1965) - Volume 8 (1963)

Ecological and Phytogeographical Studies of Cibotium Barometz (L.) J. SM. in Taiwan (Formosa) Author: Chin-Hwa Hu


1. Cibotium Baromela (L.) J. Sm. is a medicinal plant which haa a long history in China.
2. There are two species and one vareity species of Cibstium in Taiwan( Formosa), Cibotium Berometz is the important one. These species are C. Baramstz C. Bcrametz var. Cumingii and C. assamicum. C. Baromals varr Gumingii which has only one pair of sori on each frond differs from C. Barometz which has 2 to 12 pair of Sori.
3. Cibolium Barometz is widely distributed in Taiwan. It is found from north to south and from 100 M. to 1,000 M. in altitude.
4. According to phytogeographical distribution, Cibotium may divide into two geo-graphic types in world, they are Asia type and Hawaii type. Cibotium Barometz of Taiwan is Asian type.
5. Cibotium and other forms usually compose a plant community. It was found one species of Cibotium Barometz. to compose a plant community in Licn-hwa-chih of central Taiwan.
6. The writer found that Cibotium Barometz and Woodwar dia radicans usually grow together and these two plant of ferns are very alike in form.
7. The writer points out the habitat of Cibotium Baromets In Taiwan and an-alyses the causes of wide distribution of this fern.