期刊目錄列表 - 21~30期(1976-1985) - 第三十期 (1985)

建教合作教育之探討 作者:康自立(國立臺灣師範大學教育學院工教系)



Journal directory listing - Volume 21-30 (1976-1985) - Volume 30 (1985)

Cooperative Vocational Education-An Inquiry Author: Kang Tze-li


The purpose of this study is to investigate the different aspects of the cooperative vocational education in R.O.C. It includes the following topics:
1.The delivery systems in vocational education,
2.the educational value of on-the-job training system,
3.the comparison of different programs by using the world of work,
4.the development of cooperative vocational education,
5.the definition of cooperative education,
6.the essentials of a good cooperative program, and
7.the adantages and limitations of cooperative education.