期刊目錄列表 - 31~41期(1986-1996) - 第三十九期 (1994)

童軍教育教師之人格型態與領導行為之研究 作者:李義男(國立臺灣師範大學公民訓育學系)


童軍教育教師除擔任正規課程教學外,通常均兼任戶外教育活動之領導、童軍團務行政、或學校訓輔工作。為加強師資培育功能,使學員成員有效率的領導者,從事童軍教育工作者的人格和專業經驗應予鑑定。本研究的目的在於了解學員在專業教育過程中的人格型態、職業興趣和童軍教育專業經驗,作為提昇教師的教學與領導 知能之依據。


Journal directory listing - Volume 31-41 (1986-1996) - Volume 39 (1994)

Scout Educators' Psychological Type and Their Leader Behaviors Author: Yih-Nan Lee(Department of Civic and Moral Education, National Taiwan Normal University)


Research on leadership has found that the personal characteristics are related to leadership outcome only in the context of specific situations. And more recent studies emphasized on some basic considerations of per-sonality constraints. Since eductors in scout education usually assume the leadership in outdoor education, scout troop activities, and student develop-ment within the school system, it is important to assess their personal and professional characteristics to facilitate the effectiveness of the leadership. It is the purpose of the study to identify the professional groups' psycho-logical type, vocational interest and motivation, and their professional expe-rience in scouting leadership for better teacher-leader programming.
The study, taken in last two years, has involved 177 college students with scout education major and 57 teachers in short -term scouting cours-es. Four areas of measurement were included: (1) scout leader's profession-al experiences (2) psychological type inventory, (3) vocational interest in-ventory, and (4) effective leader's behavior. All these materials were either made or modified by this suthor. All measurements were administered to the sample in class hours. Reliability was tested with a combination of test-retest and parallel-forms methods. The data were processed through SPSS PC; the procedures included distribution, t-test, chi square, correlation, and factor analysis. Important findings were presented in tables and further discussed in the article.
Major findings indicated that there was no significant difference be-tween male and female groups in psychological type, but groups with different class levels did show special preferences in types, leader's attitudes and behaviors. The psychological types were correlated with types of voca-tional interest in the student group. The discrepancy between the profes-sional attitudes and psychological types also existed in teacher groups. Based on the findings, the study presents the effective leader training methods for the groups and suggests more sensor training and outdoor adven-ture programs be provided for the professional who articulates the active and reflective experiences of leadership.