期刊目錄列表 - 31~41期(1986-1996) - 第四十一期 (1996)

從不移位理論看華語的「讓」字句 作者:陳純音(國立臺灣師範大學英語學系)


本文旨在應用杭士基教授 (Chomsky 1986) 的障礙理論 (the Barriers framework) 分析華語的「讓」字句內部結構,證明目前語法界所爭議的不移位學說 (nonmovement theory) 較移位學說 (movement theory) 容易解釋華語的「讓」字句。本文認為「讓」字句其實有兩種:一是使役句,另一則是被動句。在不移位學說下,此二句型皆屬控制句 (control centence ),有大代名詞 (PRO) 與小代名詞 (pro) 兩種空詞 (empty category) 輔助語意的了解。本文除探討「讓」字句的內部結構外,並就使役句與被動句的形式、語意、語法結構,剖析「讓」字句和「被」字句間的異同。



Journal directory listing - Volume 31-41 (1986-1996) - Volume 41 (1996)

A Nonmovement Analysis of the Rang-Construction in Mandarin Chinese Author: Chun-yin Doris Chen(Department of English, National Taiwan Normal University)


The main purpose of this paper is to examine the "Rang-Construction" in Chinese within the Barriers framework (Chomsky 1986). It is argued that there are two types of "rang-sentences": one is causative, and the other passsive. Moreover, under the non-movement approach, "rang" is claimed to behave like a control verb taking a CP com-plement. In both types of the construction, PRO is obligatorily present in the subject position, while in the latter type in order to get the passive reading pro must appear in the object position.

Keywords:Rang-Sentences, Causative Construction, Passive Construction, Barriers, Non-movement Approach